"All-on-4" Teeth in a Day
Immediate Function™ Dental Implants
Saskatoon, SK Dental Implants
The All-on-4 clinical solution has been developed to maximize the use of available bone and to allow for Immediate Function™. Using a minimum of four implants in edentulous jaws, the solution takes advantage of the benefits of tilting the posterior implants to provide a secure and optimal prosthetic support for a prosthetic bridge, even with minimum bone volume.
Dr. Carman Rabuka is focused on patient care and convenience to offer you an implant-retained immediate function dental restoration. The procedure provides for the quickest, most convenient treatment for some patients.
This is our best solution for patients that want to replace their denture with fixed teeth. The prosthetic teeth are built over a custom titanium frame work that is milled to fit into the implants. Normally, it takes 4-6 implants for fixed teeth. The implants are placed to gain maximum support from available bone and to minimize the need for bone grafting.
All-on-4 refers to a process by which implants are inserted to hold a full set of new replacement teeth. After an initial consultation with the dentist, the procedure can be performed in just one appointment.

During the appointment the four are inserted in the patient’s mouth and the new teeth are attached. The patient leaves with new, permanent teeth.

“The process is particularly useful for people with dentures. The dentures can be replaced with permanent implants and fixed, non-removable replacement teeth all in one dental visit.” It is a cost-effective treatment solution based on implants secured in the jawbone to obtain optimal positioning and support of a complete set of teeth. This innovative solution provides the patients with a fixed bridge (denture) in a couple of hours in just one visit.
Contact our Saskatoon office if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment.